Pride Month – Jun 7, 2024

June has been declared “pride” month and even though much has been said by better writers than I, as your pastor, I still feel like I need to say something.  Maybe a list would be easiest.

  1. I can’t help but notice that the date above is our 39th wedding anniversary.   Happy Anniversary Kelly – thanks for your faithful love all these years!
  2. Years ago someone shared a book review with me.  The book was written by a man with same-sex attraction who was remaining celibate because of his faith in Christ.  The theme of the book, as it was relayed to me, was the hopelessness of his celibacy, in that he wasn’t waiting for marriage or something he was just waiting to die.  It had me thinking fairly sympathetically for a time…..
    1. Then I remembered that I pastored a church where at least a dozen single people served and worshipped and they weren’t just waiting to die.  Not that it wasn’t hard, but life is hard whenever we focus on what we are missing out on!
      1. For instance, if I’m honest, in my flesh, I just want to eat ALL the time.  According to Galatians 5 the solution is the same as any other form of sensual desire. If I walk in the Spirit I can have victory, if I walk in the flesh, I will cave – every time!
      2. I also remember the sin proclivities that have been discussed in my office and around various Bible Study circles (discussed so that we wouldn’t walk in them ~Gal. 5:16)
  3. Sexual temptation is a biggie, but it’s not bigger than God and God has promised He can and will provide a way out of every temptation even the one that has someone calling themselves “gay!”.
    1. No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it.
    2. 1 Corinthians 10:13
  4. Perhaps, contrary, to the devil’s advice, we should humble ourselves before the God of the universe and let Him have His way with us!  (James 4:1-10)

Just a thought,

Pastor Scott

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